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~~The Smoker~~

Here I sit having a g-o-o-d time.
First I suck... then I blow...then you choke!
The "weed" is my soother and savior,
so thank you for holding your breath while I smoke.

I work hard to pay for this habit,
one year costs a thousand or so.
But polluting is helping our government!
So thank you for holding your breath while I smoke.

You say my smoke stinks?Makes your eyes burn.
The chemicals injure your lungs?
Oh stop it,your hurting my feelings.
And your ranting is hurting my eardrums!

Dont let in that fresh freezing!
The spray from that can stuffs my nose!
That air purifier is too loud!
Ahhhh, but,thank you for holding your breath while
I smoke!

My kids and my I love them.
I'd give them my all...thats no joke.
But they better not ask me for clean air!
And I'll thank them for holding their breath while
I smoke!

I think that someday I may quit this
before either you or I croak.
Just dont hold your breath a-waitin,
But thank you for holdin your breath while I smoke!

( Tx-Tater 2000)

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January 31st, 2001